Monday, December 31, 2018

Buddy System in music?

The Buddy System is used in exercise, dieting, the 12 Step Program, and every male associated program on Earth except the hermit sports! Will more than 5 people read this blog? What if a few people shared it? Would anyone steal my ideas and write better books than I am planning to write?

I have come to the conclusion that I need to sell stuff. One way to raise funds, I am selling stuff at cheaper prices but not cheap enough. After Dad died 55 boxes and 22 large pictures came to my house. I am happy with thrift store cross stitch pictures. I don't need other art so much, but I know the value of the art and heck if I am going to give it away. At auctions that is what happens. No one ever brags they paid 3X as much as anyone else for something!

I have come up with a wonderful idea for a book. I did not do Nano this year because someone asked me if I was going to make an outline. The first paragraph of every book is an outline! I learned that in English Composition! I have a degree, but I let that stop me and I only wrote a few pages.

My idea for a new book is being inspired by a time travel series I am reading by Annette Laing, professor of history with a PhD. 

My idea is instead of Jefferson Davis and the governors deciding to secede from the Union, they decide to release every slave that day, and hire them the next. Pay them a salary. Stop whipping and caning. Let them open their banks. Give them State's rights for voting in each Southern state. 

What would be the outcome? No war. No orphans. No loss of land. No carpet baggers. No rape. No burning of homes. No KKK. No death. 

People of color would be able to open their own businesses because they could save money. They could eat better, live better. There would be no meanness and Jim Crow attitudes and behaviors. 

What would Lincoln's Presidency be like? He wouldn't argue as much and he may have had one term and lived until he was 90. His wife would not have gone off the deep end. They would have had more grandchildren. He would not be on a penny or a five dollar bill. Maybe there would not be  a Lincoln memorial. There would be no Gettysburg Address.

What would we have instead? More wealth, more life, more happiness, more education, more food, more health. 

How would this have happened for the leaders in the South to change? Could it have happened with Frederick Douglas? What about a revival and preachers telling about Christian Charity towards all people with 2 hands and 2 legs. What if people had listened to the Holy Spirit who teaches love and generosity?  How many of those preachers would have been lynched? We think only black people are lynched, but that is not the case. It has happened to white people too. What evangelical can we pin this to? The Salvation Army and the Methodists? They became United after the Civil War. 

So there you go, I am doing social engineering to explore how people make a choice for freedom every day in government and in personal dealings. 

All I have to do is develop the plot, people, and write an outline.

Are you still in the pick business? I got a new autoharp. I went to a Russian Pentecostal church yesterday. The pastor knew I would be there and talked about me in the service. He thought I wanted to be a speaker because the man I met at Lowe's wanted me to be a speaker. I came 8 minutes late, there was no visitor parking near the door, and I had to park behind the church and walk around and go to the bathroom and so I sat in the back. I only go to churches once and I am done. The egos are too big. The sexism is too big. I have a mission.

I asked 800 people in Cyberpluckers to make a Christmas CD. I expected 10 songs. They delivered 100 songs on CD Baby in a couple of months. Then another set was made so there are almost 200 songs for $30. The money from these sales goes into a nonprofit called Autoharp Angel. Donated autoharps are sent to people who apply for an autoharp because they cannot afford one. I had a student who got one that way. I went to a concert with 10 little girls playing harp. They were 10 years old or close, and they played classical, hymns, and a Les Miz Medley. Their harps were between $20K and $100K in value. Their parents may have only paid $100 a month for lessons, or maybe $150 a month for lessons. I don't know. 

I thought to myself, who can afford the $100 a month or a week? Who can afford a $20K harp? They can be rented, but still. So I asked myself why more people don't use the autoharp with a digital tuner. I asked people to look up Autoharp Angels on Google and Will Smith Autoharp on Youtube. I asked people in church to look at Rev. 14:2. In the Bible, there are no guitars. There are no pianos. There are only harps. Church people have been rejecting praises to God with a biblical instrument. Their knee jerk reaction is to say God only wants the harp in church instead of including the harp with all their favorites like the guitar and the bass and brass and a drum set. They want to reject the bibilical instrument by making an either/or problem.

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